ESP32 is a powerful embedded development board. But the ESP32 DevKit design is not much breadboard friendly and has a weird pinout design. That is why I designed this development kit, to make my experiments easier with the help of built-in electronic components and breadboard.
I decided to share it open-source under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Expanded GPIO pins with 3.3v and GND
- A tiny breadboard
- Li-ion battery
- USB charging controller
- Adjustable voltage booster (set to 5v)
- SSD1306 LCD module
- 3V3-5V logic level shifter (4 channels)
- 4 x LEDs (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow)
- 2 x DIP switches
- 2 x Pushbuttons
- 1 x Trimpot (10 kOhm)
- 1 x Active buzzer
And I decide to make this open-source, so you can find the schematics and Gerber files from GitHub